

MILK, VEGAN – 33 recipes for plant based milk

“for children, vegan, raw, paleo-friendly”

Are you looking for delicious healthy milk recipes that satisfy all your cravings while being dairy-free, plant-based and nutritious?

Whether you have read up on conventional dairy products and store-bought nut milks, or are facing health issues such as digestive disorders and bloating, this is the right book for you: all recipes in here are raw, vegan, and highly nutritious! 

Making your own milk at home is incredibly cost effective, simple and promotes your health – and the results are so wonderfully delicious that you’ll never look back.

54 color pages in PDF format (DIGITAL – ideal for computers, laptops, tablets or to print)

€ 7,47.-

What recipes will you find in MILK, VEGAN? 

Basic recipes:

• Almond Milk
• Sweet Milk
• Amaranth Milk
• Brazil Nut Milk
• Brown Rice Milk
• Buckwheat Milk
• Cashew Milk
• Chia Seed Milk
• Coconut Milk
• Flax Milk
• Hazelnut Milk
• Hemp Milk
• Macadamia Nut Milk
• Millet Milk
• Oat Milk
• Pecan Nut Milk
• Pine Nut Milk
• Poppy Seed Milk
• Pumpkin Seed Milk
• Quinoa Milk
• Sesame Milk
• Sunflower Seed Milk
• Walnut Milk
• Supersonic Milk with nut butter

Gourmet recipes, and ideas on how you can take your plant milk to the next level

 Cardamom Spice Milk
 Carrot Cake Milk
 Chocolate Milk
 Oriental Rose Milk
 Tiger Milk
 Chia Pudding
 Milk Shake

Plus ideas on what to do with leftover nut milk pulp:

• Nut flour
• Nut milk pulp cake crust
• Nut milk pulp cereal
• Nut milk pulp crackers
• Nut milk pulp macaroons

 € 7,47.-

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