


You want to recommend ROHTOPIA? Many thanks!

ROHTOPIA is one of the few bilingual websites on raw food, holistic health, wellbeing and feeling good on all levels.

If you have a health-conscious audience, people who are interested in the following or similar topics, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Raw Food

Health Products

Special Ingredients for Raw Food

Natural Supplements

Health Seminars, Courses and Workshops

Personal Development and Wellbeing

Healthy Eating, Yoga, Relaxation, Meditation

Eco-Friendly Products

Sustainable Lifestyle

Natural Skin Care


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1. Next, simply inform your contacts about ROHTOPIA products, using your affiliate link
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2. If one of your contacts buys via your personal link, you will automatically receive a commission of 50%.

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Receive a fair 50% commission directly to your Digistore24 account every time you sell a ROHTOPIA product via your personal partner link.

As soon as someone registers using your partner link and subsequently buys the product, you will receive your fair 50% commission from the net proceeds.

This means that, minus the Digistore commissions for the payment provider and the country-dependent VAT, you are left with up to €17 for each sale.

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Ideas for an email to send out to your followers:

You can use this text for any ROHTOPA ebook.
But please don’t spam people with advertising. Nobody likes that.


Hello [insert name],

Today I would like to introduce you to an amazing recipe book by Lisa Mattes. She is the creator of ROHTOPIA and supports people in feeling holistically healthy and well.

She attaches great importance to personal responsibility and independence. When it comes to eating, this not only includes nutrient density; enjoyment is also essential.

In her book [insert title], Lisa shows you how simple and easy it is to create healthy alternatives to conventional dishes, without any animal product, white sugar or flour containing gluten.

The ingredients used are pretty much available in any major supermarket, so don’t worry it might be completely exotic – it is not 🙂

And the best part: with her creative recipes you don’t even need to turn on the oven! Everything in this book is made in raw food quality, in order to preserve the highest density of nutrients.

Lisa also managed to put together recipes which can be integrated into everyday life, perfect if you don’t have time to spend half the day in the kitchen – most dishes are ready in less than 20 minutes, many even faster.

Find more information here:

[Please enter your personal partner link here]

Much love,


Images + Links:

Feel free to download the marketing images below to promote ROHTOPIA  products.

Is anything missing? Just email me.

To download the images, simply right-click on the desired image and select “Save image as…” from the context menu.

The links to the sales pages with more information about each product can be found under the images.

Important: simply linking to the sales page does not earn you any commission. Make sure to always use your personal link from Digistore.

Smooth + Juicy

Cover-Smooth und Juicy-Rohtopia-Buch-Smoothierezepte Saftrezepte - Ebook

Blick ins Buch:

Smooth + Juicy Rezeptkarten:

Tut Gut. Schmeckt Gut. Weihnachtet! eBook:

Blick ins Buch:

Tut-Gut-Schmeckt-Gut-Weihnachtet-Rohkost-Rezepte-Lisa-Rohtopia - Inhalt

Milch, Vegan eBook:

Cover - Milch Vegan - Rohtopia - Buch-Pflanzenmilch

Blick ins Buch:

Milch Vegan - Rezepte Pflanzenmilch Selber Machen - Rohkost - Rohtopia
Milch Vegan - Alle Rezepte Pflanzenmilch Selber Machen - Rohkost - Rohtopia

Raw Food Selbst Gemacht

RAW FOOD SELBST GEMACHT - Rohkost Rezepte Buch - Cover Lisa Rohtopia

Paket mit sämtlichen

Du liebst CBD Öl genauso wie ich? Werde mein Partner bei HempMate:

Nachdem ich schon einige CBD-Marken ausprobiert habe, bin ich am Ende auf Hemp Mate gekommen – und dabei geblieben, denn diese CBD Produkte sind rein aus Hanfsamenöl und kaltgepresstem Hanfextrakt hergestellt, bieten also volles Spektrum; sie sind außerdem biologisch und pestizidfrei angebaut, werden ohne Tierversuche hergestellt und regelmäßig in unabhängigen Labors kontrolliert.

Wenn du hier mit mir partnern willst, nichts leichter als das. Klick’ für das unverbindliche 30-Tage-Kennenlern-Programm auf den Link unterhalb und ich erledige den Rest:



Thank you for your time, here’s to a great partnership!



You’d like to collaborate with me in some other way? Message me!