
Recipe: Indian Coconut Curry

Recipe by Nelly Reinle-Carayon – Thank you!

Ingredients (serves 4) 

1 red capsicum
2 tomatoes
1 zucchini
1 carrot
1/2 celeriac
100 g celery
1 large red onion
100 g cauliflower
1 clove of garlic
2 TBSP Nama Shoyu
fresh pepper


1 coconut
1 small tomato
12 sundried tomatoes, soaked in water for 1 hour
50 g fresh ginger
2 tsp curry powder


fresh cilantro


Clean fresh vegetables, peel if necessary, chop into small pieces. Peel and mince garlic.
Season all veggies with pepper and marinate in Nama Shoyu for 30 minutes.
Drain, warm in your dehydrator or oven at 40° Celsius (102F) for around 2 hours.

Sauce: open coconut, collect water and enjoy while scraping out the coconut jelly and chopping it into small pieces.
Process in a food processor or blender and squeeze the coconut milk through a nut milk bag until the flakes are dry.

Chop the tomato and the sun dried tomatoes. Peel and mince ginger. Blend tomatoes and ginger with the freshly made coconut milk until smooth. Add a bit of water if the sauce is too thick .

Mix the dehydrated veggies with your sauce and decorate with fresh cilantro.


Reheating: You can also warm the ready made dish in your dehydrator for 1 hour.
Coconut milk: you can also blend 200g coconut flakes with water and then pour it through a nut milk bag as described above.

Image & recipe copyright: Nelly Reinle-Carayon

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