Chia is part of the Mint family (Salvia hispanica), originates from Central America (Mexico) and is one of the super foods of nature – rich in essential fatty acids omega 3 to 6 with a ratio of 3:2, protein, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, Chia seeds are a valuable part of holistic nutrition.
Omega 3 converts to DHA and EPA fatty acids, the same fatty acids found in cod liver oil / fish oil.
Why are Omega 3 essential fatty acids important for your health?
Essential fatty acids are essential because they help muscles recover after exercise, they boost the metabolism, thus helping to burn fat and lose weight. They also support a healthy heart rhythm, relaxed nerves, strong memory and mental clarity.
The fiber in Chia slow the processing of carbohydrates into sugar. This keeps the blood sugar stable and makes Chia an excellent source of nutrition for endurance athletes.
Similarly to flaxseed, Chia swells up in water. When consumed after being soaked, they help the hydration of the body, when eaten dry, they can absorb a surplus of stomach acid.
The combination of the swelling of the seeds and the slow release of carbs into the blood also gives a great feeling of being full – perfect if you do not want to eat too much.
What other benefits do chia seeds have?
Chia has more protein than any other seed, and it is rich in calcium (6 times more than milk per 100g), iron (3 times more than spinach), potassium and antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium (15 times more than broccoli), phosphorus, copper, niacin and zinc (zinc also supports blood sugar stabilisation) – in the Mayan language means Chia “force” or “strength”.
The fiber in Chia and the gel-like consistency of the seeds when soaked clean, strengthen and support a healthy digestive tract and they soothe the intestines.
Chia is cholesterol-free, gluten-free and has a low GI, great for crispy chips.
Chia can also be used in any recipes that would use flaxseed.
It can be enjoyed ground or as a whole on cereal or salad, simply eaten as a snack or used as a thickening agent in sauces and smoothies.
Stored in a dry, cool and dark place Chia seeds will last for years.
Some easy chia seed pudding recipes
Recipe for Chia Turmeric Pudding
Recipe for Chocolate Chia Pudding
Recipe for Vanilla Chia Pudding
Raw vegan chips, bread and cracker recipes with chia seeds
Recipe for Chia Crackers with Sundried Tomatoes
Recipe for Omega 3 Crackers with Chia
Recipe for Crunchy Italian Crackers
Recipe for soft bread with a crust
Recipe for Crispy Chia Chips
Some recipe for raw vegan energy bars + bliss balls with chia seeds
Recipe for Crunchy Energy Bars with Chia
Recipe for Paleo Cookie Dough Bars
Recipe for Raw vegan Protein Bars
Recipe for Nuggets of Euphoria
Recipe for Chia Muesli (aka deconstructed bars)