
Food for thought: “What if … ?” by Bex Tyrer

As the sunsets on an island in Bahia so it can rise in Bali…

What if I could let it all just be?
What if I was already “good” enough?
What if I had no regrets?
What if I allowed the precious memories of the past to simply provide power for the present?
What if I stopped planning the future?
What if I were to trust fully in the divinity of all?
What if I Didn’t. Worry. About. Anything. ?
What if I really did make the most of every “opportunity”?
What if I could give without giving myself away?
What if I could receive without feelings of inadequacy?
What if I could forgive myself?
What if I let go of all judgments and bowed in humility to all the “teachers” despite the perceived intentions?
What if I actually were a Warrior?
What if I didn’t hide behind image and dared to be controversial?
What if every man I had been close to actually did care for me?
What if I let go of “right” and “wrong”?
What if I loved myself as much as I love others?
What if you do understand me?
What if I/you – wasn’t/weren’t actually angry?
What if we could look each other in the eyes and not want to look away?
What if being alone didn’t mean being lonely?
What if we were to let each other in?
What if we told each other what we were scared to say?
What if I were to allow Love to Be. Here. Now?
All the time?
What if we all were?
What if you believe me when I say “I love you”?
What if I/we were satisfied?
What if I had nothing to attain?
What if every mistake was necessary to have made?
What if I welcomed aging?
What if I stopped counting days?
What if habits are easy to break?
What if I was already there?
What if I was good at this?
What if I practiced what I teach?
What if I only spoke with compassion and never mis/used meaningless words?
What if I inspired simply by being?
What if I couldn’t “fail”?
What if I allowed Joy to be my natural state?
What if I laughed louder?
What if every tear shed relieved someone else of sorrow?
What if I stopped labeling emotions and allowed them to flow – through – me?
What if the world was not doomed as prophesized?
What if there was a purpose to life?
What if I were infinite?
What if the dance never ended?
What if God was what I think it is?
What if time really isn’t linear?
What if I were to welcome pain and by doing so let go of suffering?
What if I was not afraid?
What if I could let go of all I value?
What if every choice was the perfect one?
What if I stopped running?
What if I could sit with all that wanted to be felt, fall apart, and not go crazy?
What if I allowed myself to be seen and it was ok?
What if I remembered that all of my challenges are simply “first world problems” no more – no less.

What if I were to quit resisting Life?

What if I had been put on the schedule this month?
Then instead of watching the sunset I would be flying into its skies, towards the invisible sunrise…would I still be writing these words?!

~Astra inclinant, sed non obligant
(The stars incline us, they do not bind us)


Bex Tyrer

With a background in Development studies, journalism and social work, Bex’s approach to yoga is one that honors the need for individual self study with the aim of improving interpersonal relations and common-unity. Bex has studied yoga since 2001, inspired by teachers such as Seane Corne, Simon Park, Govinda Jai, John Scott and Dharma Mittra.

Teaching yoga in a wide range of environments from the slums of Kolkata to the confines of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. By combing asana, meditation and pranayama, Bex provides an opportunity to explore the Spiritual through the Physical. Bex works to bring the study of yoga off the mat and into the practice of Life. “Yoga is a way to focus within, and by doing so expand our awareness, bringing increased responsibility to live in alignment with the men and women we came here to be. Peace”

Connect with Bex: highvibeyoga.com


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