
Martina Dobrovicova, Green-Smoothie-Station, Vienna

 Martina is a health and nutrition coach from Vienna. Just like me, she is in love with Green Smoothies  🙂 Though her love is so strong that she even opened a green smoothie station in Vienna. You can order green smoothies for takeaway or get larger quantities delivered!

She also runs the Austrian Site for GrueneSmoothies.de in cooperation with Christian Guth, author of the (German) book Grüne Smoothies: Die supergesunde Mini-Mahlzeit aus dem Mixer. They offer personal counselling, workshops and detox weeks. You will learn everything about green smoothies, seasonal ingredients, wild edibles, beauty food and more. The Green Smoothie Team also gets guest speakers to Vienna, the next one will be Christian Dittrich-Opitz, author of Befreite Ernährung (German).

Hello nice that you are here, thank you 🙂 Please introduce yourself!

Hi Lisa, I am a nutritionist and herbalist. Since I was 15 I have been living in Vienna, originally I come from former Czechoslovakia. I work with Green Smoothies, and I add many elements from the astrological Herbology.

How did you start your day?

With a meditation and Qi Gong exercises.

When did you first discover raw foods?

My father sees something in plants that others often overlook and I guess I inherited that skill from him. The question how to optimize my health occupied me as a child already and I was looking for solutions. When I was 12, I read my first article about “Mangold” from a magazine, I  cut it out and pasted it in my notebook. At 15, I moved to Vienna and during my studies at the University of Vienna, I became a vegetarian.

What do you think is one of the classic mistakes raw beginners make and what advice you have for a Newbie?

One of the classic mistakes in raw food: too much nuts and seeds, not enough green leafy vegetables. I advise you to consume properly combined green smoothies. Particularly valuable are weeds, which not only contain gross nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, but also have subtle properties that work beautifully on an emotional level.

What’s always in your pantry or fridge?

Dried wild fruit, leafy vegetables of all kinds and many fresh herbs

What do you think of fasting?

I think a lot of fasting and retreats. To prepare for tea fasting, a week with green smoothies is the optimal entry to detox. I also recommend to consume green smoothies when breaking the fast and re-entering into the world of eating solid foods. Recommend after fastingI normal, again with the green smoothieIngestion enter. The green smoothie should be consumed daily, to cause a permanent input of concentrated nutrients and an overall more conscious and healthier eating style.

Do you take any supplements or so-called superfoods?

Smoothies are full of superfoods and can be combined with all kinds of botanical ingredients, such as algae, matcha tea, raw cacao beans, barley grass or maca, etc.

What do you think of cacao?

Wonderful! (Laughs)

Do you have any dental problems (through) raw food diet?


You offer workshops, seminars and even smoothie delivery service on your site www.gruenesmoothies.at. What or who inspired you to create this page?

I operate whole-heartedly in this matter. The inspiration comes unexpectedly and when it hast sufficient power, I implement it.

Who or what else influenced you most?

My spiritual path influences me the most.

What is your recommendation for raw food in winter?

With raw food in winter is important to always ensure that the body does not cool down too much, which means that the Raw food plants consumed must always be sufficiently warming.The green smoothie is an ideal raw food source, since it does a lot of digestive work for the body and thus saves physical Qi. For the Green Winter Smoothie I recommend the following leafy vegetables: the most valuable varieties of cabbage (Black cabbage, kale, mustard greens, kale, etc.), arugula,Lettuce, chard. To be sufficiently warming, the green smoothie can also be prepared with warm water (below 42 degrees) and mixed with warming plants, such as ginger, chilli, cardamom, cinnamon. You can also drink hot tea with your smoothie.

Would you like to share one of your favorite recipes with us?

Deep Love
1 tbsp flaxseed
Handful of dates, depitted
Handful of spinach leaves (or 4 frozen spinach nuggets)
½ handful of nettles
½ handful of arugula
Handful of romaine lettuce or other lettuce
3-4 ripe pears with cores
1 apple with seeds
Handful of grapes (with or without seeds)
½ lemonWater

I love the name! Deep Love 😉 You also offer workshops, retreats and personal advice, how do these look like?  

I offer workshops green smoothies, Detox weeks and personal consultations. The green smoothie workshop provides a great entry into the world of green smoothies and will take approximately 3 hours. The detox week with Christian Guth and me was designed for a deeper process. We eat only homemade green smoothies for the entire week, as well as lubricators and herbal preparations. Any questions that arise during the cleansing process will be answered profoundly and in detail. The personal counseling is very individual, from a practical guide for making smoothies up to the conception of a weight loss plan and/or other personal issues.

Tell us a detail about you that most people do not know.

I want a dog (laughs).

🙂 Do you do any sports?

I practice Qi Gong and Yoga Luna every day and I love nature.

What are your future projects and plans?

In February 2013 a new book of our GUPublisher will be published! Let yourself be surprised: It’s about the best green smoothies recipes divided by season! And I am designing my new website, with detailed information about my work.

Seasonality is a great idea! Thank you for this interview, dear Martina!



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