
Recipe: the uber most delicious Choc Chip Cookies ever!

Ok this recipe is seriously the best chocolate chip cookie recipe I have ever had. Well, at least if you love a lightly crunchy outside and a slightly sticky, gooey, moist inside plus really good, dark chocolate chips!

The recipe is best if dehydrated but you can also alter it if you do not have a dehydrator or oven with super low temperature.
The good part about the dehydration here is that unlike other recipes that require dehydration, this one is done in 3 hours (nothing “over night”)
So what I did was to put half the batter into the dehydrator, and the play with the rest, modifying it into a 2nd, non-dehydrator recipe – perfect!

Here’s how you make these healthy* puppies:
* healthy as opposed to regular, store bought cookies made with things like palm oil, GMO corn syrup, “natural” flavour and colouring, preservatives etc. These treats got nothing of that stuff, they are free of gluten, dairy free, white sugar free, have no trans fats but instead lots of flavour and and nutrient density.



1 C macadamia nuts or almonds
1 C wet almond pulp (from making sweet almond milk)
(you can also use dry almond flour or ground almonds, but then add1.5 TBSP water as well)
1/2 C coconut sugar or date sugar (it’s about the crumbliness of it as opposed to syrup), or 4-5 dates, pitted
1/2 vanilla bean, seeds of
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/2 C coconut flakes
90g raw chocolate (store bought or home made)


Process macadamia, be careful not to over process otherwise you end up with macadamia butter.
Add almond pulp, sugar, vanilla and salt, process to a dough, place in a bowl.
Blend coconut flakes to four, knead into dough manually.
Chop chocolate (1/2cm long cubes at most), knead into dough.

Form 20 balls (or more if you prefer smaller cookies).
Flatten each ball with the palm of your hand and place on dehydrator trays.

Dehydrate for 2 hours at 42 degrees Celsius or 105F or longer if you want your cookies crunchier.

Let cookies cool off before storing them in an airtight container

Store cool & dry for up to 1 month.


Same amounts and ingredients except for the almonds:
Grind dry almonds (soaked & dehydrated, but not wet) to flour instead of using almond pulp.

Therefore all ingredients are dry and the balls do not require dehydration for either firmness or storage.

Roll into balls, enjoy or simply chill in your fridge until devouring ♡



Same amounts, just omit the choc chips, add a tsp of cinnamon instead and a few drops of essential orange oil or some organic orange zest.
Dehydrate if wet, roll into balls if dry enough to skip the dehydration.


You know you want it!

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