
Recipe: PIM’s Balls (Orange Chocolate Almond Balls)

If you like the combination of orange and chocolate flavour and are into healthy treats that not only taste delicious but are good for you too, then you will LOVE these babies.

Fudgy, chocolatey with orange zest. Yum. Easy to make, and even easier to devour 🙂

1 cup almond meal
3/4 cup raisins
1/2 cup raw cacao powder
1 orange, zest
1-2 tsp orange juice
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 pinch of sea salt
 How to make these orange chocolate bliss balls:
  1. Add all ingredients except for the orange rind to a processor and process for 1 minute or so until completely combined, sticky and chopped. It should almost form a large ball in the processor due the stickiness  If it doesn’t seem sticky, add a tiny drizzle of water and pulse until sticky.
  2. Add in the orange rind and pulse a few times until the orange rind has been distributed.
  3. Take 1-teaspoon portions of the mixture and roll in to balls. Do this will all of the mixture.
  4. Roll in cacao nibs or cacao powder.
  5. Refrigerate or place in a container until needed. Enjoy!


C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!


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