Yogurt made without milk? Yes! Coconut yogurt tastes so divine, yet is so expensive when bought in shops. Many brands also contain way more sugar than necessary, so here is a recipe on how to make probiotic coconut yogurt at home.
By the way, probiotics are your gut’s best friend – – your digestion gets supported, and even your immune system will benefit from having “good bacteria”.
Especially if you are sick or feeling like something’s coming on, or when you are on antibiotics – make sure to have some probiotics as well, either in a yogurt like this one, fermented foods such as Kimchi or Sauerkraut, or as a supplement.
Not a fan of coconut? Try this almond yogurt recipe!
1 young Thai coconut, jelly
1/2 cup coconut water
4 probiotic capsules *
* I used Gr8 Dophilus, however other brands are of course fine too. The more strands and billions of bacteria, the better.
Blend the coconut jelly with the water until smooth.
Empty the probiotic capsules into the blender and blend on low for a few seconds.
Pour into a large mason jar – there should be space for your yoghurt to expand which it will once the good probiotic bacteria starts working.
Dehydrate at 108-110 degrees Fahrenheit (42-44 Celsius) for 12 hours.
The yoghurt should have risen by up to 1/3, and be creamy with a slightly fermented, sour – well, yogurty – taste.
Thickness will increase once you place your yogurt in your fridge.
Store refrigerated for up to 1 week.
5 Healing Benefits of Coconut
1. Coconut has been traditionally used in folk medicine for common ailments such as abscesses, burns, colds, constipation, cough, fever, flu, ulcers and upset stomach, even menstrual cramps (note to self – eat more coconut flesh).
2. Coconut is used in modern medicine to help kill the fungi and yeasts that cause candida overgrowth, thrush and diaper rash. (Diaper rash is also due to using toxic diapers, go natural mommas!)
3. Coconut reduces inflammation, helps reduce any irritation that may be caused by haemorrhoids and improves bowel function.
4. Coconut is an anti-oxidant which helps protect the body from free radicals and promotes a youthful appearance and healthy skin.
5. For those of you who need thyroid support, Coconut is used to support thyroid function so while you’re laying off the cruciferous veggies, have some yogurt!
6. Coconut can help your body absorb calcium and magnesium as well as other vitamins, minerals and amino acids. AKA – better absorption, healthier body and strong teeth and bones.
7. Coconut is even know to help prevent tooth decay which can be a concern to raw vegans if they’re not converting Vitamin K1 to K2 effectively. Eating more coconut is helpful to anyone who wants to maintain healthy teeth.
8. Coconut can help you lose weight by speeding up the metabolism function of the body.
9. Coconut promotes healthy looking hair and skin, by providing the body nourishment of essential fats, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!