
Recipe: Raw vegan Cherry Ripe Bars

Recipe for Raw vegan Cherry Ripe Bars

Cherry Ripes are one of the most popular candy bars in Australia, but with regular ingredients being mostly sugar plus some flavour, colour dairy and gelatine, I was curious to come up with a different version. And oh, does it taste good! Introducing – the Cheery Ripe!


1 cup shredded coconut

1/2 cup cashew or almond flour or pulp from making nut milk

1 cup pitted cherries

sweetener: 4 dates, depitted – or 3 TBSP coconut syrup / xylitol / maple syrup / rice syrup – or stevia, to taste

1/2 vanilla bean, scraped

1 TBSP coconut oil

1 pinch sea salt


Chocolate to dip:

1/4 cup coconut oil, melted

1/4 cup raw cacao powder

3 TBSP coconut syrup / maple syrup / rice syrup

How to make raw vegan Cherry Ripes:

Blend coconut and nuts until smooth, scraping down the blender container as necessary.

Set aside in a bowl.

Blend remaining ingredients until smooth.

Add to the coconut mix and stir together until well combined.

The dough should be sticking together loosely – if it is too wet, add more coconut, if it is too dry, add some cherries or a small dash of water or nut milk.

Line a square baking tray with parchment paper.

Press dough firmly into the tray, freeze for 1 hour to set.

Once set, cut into slices and use two forks to dip into chocolate.



Stir all ingredients together with a fork or spoon.

Dip the frozen bars in the chocolate and put them back in the freezer to set.

Store refrigerated or even frozen – no need to thaw these babies!



Any crumbs and leftovers? Mix together with chocolate for some cherry ripe chocolate bark, pour into flat dish and let it set in the freezer.

Raw vegan Cherry Ripe Bars and Chocolate Bark


C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!



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