
Recipe: Raw vegan chocolate with cacao paste

recipe for raw vegan chocolate with cacao paste liqueur

Is there a season fo chocolate? Of course, autumn, winter, spring and summer. Is there a perfect time for chocolate? Yes – now!

This recipe is for raw vegan chocolate with cacao paste, also known as cacao liqueur.

Cacao paste is the purest form of chocolate. It is made from peeled and ground cacao beans, and if you are after 100% chocolate, this is exactly it. Otherwise, add a bit of liquid sweetener of choice, plus some cacao butter or coconut oil.

Cacao butter will make the chocolate harder and allows it to stay solid at warmer temperatures, coconut oil softens the chocolate but will also let it melt at room temperature – it’s best stored in the fridge.

You can also add some sea salt to bring out the chocolate flavour even better.

The preparation does not take long at all, and it totally worth it – I like it so much, I cannot imagine anyone ever going back to regular chocolate and truly preferring it, but instead would take 20 minutes every once in a while, make their own chocolate, sweeten it to taste and pour it in shapes as they please.




125g cacao paste – around 1/2 a cup

50g cacao butter or coconut oil – around 1/4 cup or 4 TBSP

2-3 TBSP coconut blossom nectar

1/2 vanilla bean, or 1/2 tsp extract

1 pinch sea salt

Add-ons: cacao nibs, nuts, dried fruit, edible flowers

How to make chocolate with cacao paste:

Chop the cacao paste and cacao butter and place into a metal bowl or pot to melt over steaming water. Another way is to use a dehydrator. This will take a bit longer, but opens up time for you to do other things – yoga, vacuuming, home work, sending out love notes, etc.

Once melted, stir together with the remaining ingredients and pouring the ready chocolate in silicone mould or any deep-ish dish.

Add-Ons: Sprinkle with cacao nibs, flowers, nuts or dried fruit such as raisins, goji berries, almonds, chopped hazelnuts or walnuts.

Let the chocolate cool down to room temperature before placing it in the fridge or freezer to fully solidify.

If you put it in there straight away, the oils tend to separate, leaving you with chocolate with a white layer on top.


Chocolate tastes really nice in smoothies as well – grab the TOP 5 RECIPES now for FREE!


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* Use coconut blossom nectar or another liquid sweetener such as rice syrup, agave, maple syrup. Date paste, honey and stevia do not work well for this recipe.

C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!



    • Everytime I tried it with Stevia, it did not work out very well – maybe try half and half first .. and if you do, please let me know about the results! Cheers, Lisa

  • What about tempering? I read in many sites we have to temper the choc otherwise it won’t be the right one. Please, explain. Thank you!

    • Hi there, yes I too have read about tempering and this could surely make the chocolate even better if done correctly, however I have had lovely results with the simple technique described here and shown in the video. Have you given it a go yet? Cheers, Lisa

    • Hi Noor, I have only made it with liquid sweetener so I cannot be sure to give you advice on this. What kind of sweetener were you planning to use? Cheers, Lisa

  • Thank you for sharing your recipe ! Can you tell me how many grams or lbs of chocolate this makes? Thank you!

    • Hi Sara, this would be just over 200 grams. Let me know how the recipe making and tasting goes 🙂 Cheers, Lisa

    • Hi Sara, cacao paste is 100% cacao – it is made by crushing the beans and grinding them to a paste – you can read all about cacao here.

      The recipe itself contains around 87%.

      FYI, The % of cacao you see on a chocolate bar’s label is the measurement of its weight that comes from the actual cacao beans (including cacao liquor and cacao butter), also known as cacao mass. So to figure out the percentage, all you have to do is to divide weight of the cacao mass by the total weight of the bar – or all ingredients, if you’re preparing it yourself 🙂

      Hope this helps,


  • Thank you so much for your recipe! I made this today using cacao paste and cacao butter. I kept it in the fridge and the chocolate is very hard. I buy raw organic chocolate from this wellness place I go to. It also needs refrigeration because it’s not tempered. But this chocolate gets softer much quicker. I am wondering, do I need to add less or more cacao butter? What would you suggest for measurements. Thank so much!

    • Hi Rebecca, so happy to hear you enjoyed the recipe. Did you check the ingredients list on the chocolate you purchased in the wellness place? If it softens quickly, it’s usually made with coconut butter or coconut oil instead of cacao butter, so if you’d like it to soften quicker, it should work by using less cacao butter, and more liquor or coconut butter/oil. Hope this helps! Lisa

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