
Ingredient: Broccoli – Health Benefits and Nutrients

Broccoli (Brassica Oleacea) origins from the Mediterranean and Asia Minor and came to Italy in the 18th Century. Within the next few centuries, it was introduced to northern Europe.

Broccoli is related to both cabbage and cauliflower and used to be called Italian asparagus. In Italian, “Brocco” means arm or branch.

Broccoli is a spectacular plant, full of nutrients, potassium, vitamin A, C and E, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, beta-carotene and fiber.

Another component in broccoli is sulforaphane, which activates a cell-protective protein in the body, it also helps with the development of enzymes that protect blood vessels (which in turn helps diabetics as they have a five times higher risk for cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction or stroke)ö and it can even have a beneficial effect in the healing of cancer.

Stored dry and cool, broccoli will last 5 days to a week.


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