
Valya Boutenko: How to fix the most disgusting smoothie into the best smoothie ever

This might be the worst Smoothie ever:

2 leaves of curly kale
1 C of water
1/2 apple

This smoothie will have fiber at the bottom, green water in the middle and froth on top. Nothing you honestly would crave every day – or any day, actually!

Can you fix this disaster?
Yes! Greens, apples and pineapple contain insoluble fiber. To make a smoothie look and taste great, you need to add soluble fibre – Mangos, plums, peaches, dates, prunes, pears, bananas. They are creamy fruits and will make your smoothie absolutely delicious.

The beginner green smoothie: For children and people who have never tried green smoothies. It needs to be sweet and mild, and taste fantastic!

Mild greens: lettuce, spinach, sunflower sprouts, sorrel
Strong flavoured greens: kale, dandelions, rocket

Ps. To learn how to always make a perfect smoothie, read this.



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