
Recipe: Zesty Lemon Curd Pie “Tarte Au Citron”

Yes, yes, YES! When life gives you lemons .. make lemonade, lemon cake, lemon sorbet, lemon CURD! Lemons are like a ray of sunshine on your taste buds, they help your body’s alkalinity, contain fiber and vitamins, and are a fine ingredient in countless sweet and savory recipes.

An even better name for this recipe might actually be Medicine Cake.

It contains so many anti-inflammatory ingredients such as the lemons as well as Irish moss, coconut, turmeric and honey – so next time someone’s sick, make them this cake!

Lemon curd is a dessert spread similar to jam, yet quicker to make, and will delight you as a breakfast spread, on cake, as a filling for pancakes, swirled into yogurt or turned into ice cream.

The only ingredient this recipe has in common with a classic lemon curd are the lemons though – none of the eggs, sugar or dairy – and is very much worth giving a go, especially since curd can also be made with other fruits, such as lime, orange, tangerine or passion fruit, mango or berries – oh the possibilities!


Ingredients for the crust:

1 cup macadamia nuts OR half almonds + cashews

1/2 cup coconut flakes

1/2 cup buckinis (sprouted, dehydrated buckwheat) OR more coconut flakes

3 TBSP liquid sweetener (agave, maple, coconut, honey) or date paste (3 soaked dates blended with vanilla and a dash of sea salt)

1 pinch of sea salt

How to make the crust:

Using a food processor or blender, process all ingredients to dough – do not over process, otherwise the macadamias will turn to butter.

Press into a pie pan and set aside in your fridge while preparing the lemon curd.

Ingredients for the raw vegan lemon curd:

1 cup Irish moss gel

1/2 cup fresh lemon juice

1/2 cup liquid sweetener – honey, coconut, maple, rice, xylitol OR stevia to taste

1/2 vanilla bean, seeds only OR 1 tsp vanilla extract

1/2 tsp turmeric powder

1 pinch of sea salt

3 TBSP coconut oil, melted

optional: zest of half a lemon

How to make raw vegan lemon curd:

Blend the Irish moss gel with lemon juice, sweetener, vanilla, turmeric and salt until thick and smooth.

Continue blending and pour in coconut oil.

Stir in lemon zest.

Pour into cake crust and refrigerate for around 30 minutes to set.

Spread meringue on top or serve each individual slice with a dollop of meringue.


C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!


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