

Body and mind go hand in hand, even if it might be subtle. When the body is sick, the mind is uneasy, when the mind is stressed, it reflects on the body. This category is all about things like power of thought, relaxation and self development.

Ice Baths: Why You Should Try Them and How to Do It Safely

Eisbaden - Photo by Tobias Oetiker on Unsplash
Have you been looking for something new to try to boost your wellbeing? Ice baths might just be the answer you're looking for! While the cold might seem uncomfortable, did you know that there are many benefits to immersing yourself in cold water? For centuries, ice baths or cold water immersion has been used to improve health and wellbeing. In this post, you will learn all about the benefits and risks of ice baths, as well as tips on how to try it out safely. Have you ever experienced the sensation of your skin tightening when you go out in the cold weather? This experience is not only a way to enjoy the cold season, but it's also an option to do something good for...

Cacao ∞ New Moon ∞ Intentions ∞ Ceremony 🌙

Have you ever done a cacao ceremony? Today I prepared ceremonial cacao * for myself, setting intentions and the mood for my coming days and weeks. ✨If this sounds enticing to you, here’s how to do it: ∞ Play your favourite meditative music, hum and sing along. ∞ Chop around 30g cacao liquor * and stir it into 1 cup of hot water. ∞ Add all other ingredients you feel pulled towards, and dissolve everything with a spoon or whisk. I used coconut milk powder, ashwaganda and coconut blossom. ∞ Be grateful to our beautiful Mother Earth during the entire process, for the ingredients finding their way to you, for all the good in your life, and your life itself. ∞ Feel this gratitude and...

My Winter Weekend Routine

Days off are for … 🎉👯‍♂️🍸🤪🛋️ … ? Back in the days when I used to do shift work, I would often work weekends as well and my days off would be all over the place. I did however notice how a wholesome routine on those days would leave me so much more recharged and the tone for my upcoming work days. Here’s a glimpse of what I did this weekend. Nothing fancy but sometimes just allowing yourself to be and doing more or less nothing is everything. Making time to sit and breathe for a bit Stretch and then go for a walk in nature Nourishing my body with home made goodies All this helps me incredibly to clear my head and feel balanced...

Stressed? Try This Breathing Technique: Bhramari Breath

It was supposed to be a short trip to Austria at the beginning of 2020, but my flight got canceled & I've been here since. For the first few months I thought it'd be over soon, and I'd be back in Australia by September at the latest. Well 😂 I've come to terms with it in the meantime, it is what it is, and am working on new content again. Anyone who’s been here for a bit knows I sometimes need a lil longer 😅 This breathing technique is a simple + quick way to calm down both body + mind, for times when I lose my serenity and calm. Bhramari (Sanskrit: भ्रमरी bees) 🐝 Breathing The name comes from the fact that you hum...

Better than a New Year’s resolution

Happy New Year - Photo by Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash
This time it's going to be different - is what we say every New Year's Eve, at the first of the month or beginning of the week. And then it all stays the same after all once again, maybe with a short flicker of change, but overall, same same and we are frustrated for not getting anywhere with our great plans and hopes and dreams, again. So here is what you could try instead of writing the 100th to-do list or resolution that'd probably look quite similar to the last one. Let me know how it goes :)

Float Tank: total relaxation for body + mind

I love being in water, especially if it is warm and clear and I can float in it. And I love being relaxed - well, who doesn't, right? (Actually, some people are addicted to drama, but that's a different story). So when I discovered flotation tanks, also known as sensory deprivation tanks, I was super intrigued and booked myself in straight away. What is a flotation tank? Flotation tanks are containers filled with warm, very salty water. So salty actually, that the water is dense enough for you to  ... you guessed it, float! To filter out any noise, the containers close - they are super easy to open again, and the inside is also equipped with some light source that you can control from the...

Yoga Flow: Hips wide open

This yoga practise is all about getting more flexibility in your hips. :: Sitting at your desk a LOT, studying or getting your biz going? Take a quick time out with this 15 minute yoga flow I created - all about hip openers, perfect not only for office cowboys but also to release stored emotional blocks. :: Detoxing? A little bit of yoga is excellent when being on a cleanse, supporting your organs to get rid of toxins, as well as letting go of old emotional baggage. :: Preparation for advanced poses: this sequence is short and sweet, perfect to warm up without tiring yourself out, for more challenging asanas that require flexibility in the hips, such as Kala Bhairavasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Supta Virasana,...

Food for thought: “What if … ?” by Bex Tyrer

As the sunsets on an island in Bahia so it can rise in Bali...What if I could let it all just be? What if I was already “good” enough? What if I had no regrets? What if I allowed the precious memories of the past to simply provide power for the present? What if I stopped planning the future? What if I were to trust fully in the divinity of all? What if I Didn’t. Worry. About. Anything. ? What if I really did make the most of every “opportunity”? What if I could give without giving myself away? What if I could receive without feelings of inadequacy? What if I could forgive myself? What if I let go of all judgments and bowed in...

Listen to your heart – here is why

What do you listen to more - your heart or your thoughts? are you a super rational person, or do you let yourself be guided by your intuition? Your heart beats 108.000 times a day - one hundred and eight thousand! With an average of 70 beats per minute, times 60 times 24 it really adds up to this incredible number, daily. For the longest time, Western medicine believed the heart to be nothing more but a muscle which pumps blood through your body, providing it with oxygen. Then studies and research discovered, that statements like "having a broken heart" or "my heart is overflowing with joy" have more to it than initially thought. 40.000 afferent neurones are located in your heart - the so-called...

How to outsmart supermarkets’ manipulations that influence your shopping choices

70% of all shopping decisions you make are not rational but emotional choices, coming from a gut feeling. Scientific studies have also shown how specific triggers affect you in grocery stores and what customary behaviour patterns you exhibit while shopping. Marketing experts and supermarket strategists obviously take advantage of that as their goal is to increase your spending. This article is about such strategies in order for you to not fall into those traps again next time you do your groceries – and how to shop smarter instead!