
Recipe: Chocolate Kiwi Popsicles

It’s hot, everyone wants ice cream, but shops on sell regular brands with artificial ingredients that you don’t like? Make these in 5 minutes and enjoy for the rest of summer 🙂

This recipe is too easy, fresh and fruity plus it’s got chocolate – how can life get any better than that?

All you need is kiwi fruit, chocolate and wooden popsicle sticks.

How to make the popsicles:

Peel kiwi fruit and cut it into 1 cm thick slices.

Gently stick onto popsicle sticks and freeze.

In the mean time, melt the chocolate or make a fresh batch – HERE is how.

As soon as the liquid chocolate is ready, get the kiwi out of your freezer and dip it into the chocolate.

Return to freezer until serving.

This recipe also works with banana, mango and other fruit – which one do you like best?


C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!


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