
Recipe: Raw vegan ice cream “Black Sesame”

Being an ice cream afficionada for the longest time – if you look at any holiday pics of me in old family albums, you will soon notice that I always look happiest when there is a huge bowl of ice cream in front of me – I am super happy to share this recipe with you.

This raw vegan ice cream recipe is proof that making your own ice cream is easy, and can be done with only a few ingredients, sans sugar, gluten, dairy or any additives that regular ice cream usually contains and it does not even require an ice cream maker and is so good that you might as well have it for breakfast already!

Here’s how you make raw vegan ice cream, dairy free, delicious, and good for your body:



1 banana
4 medjool dates, pitted
1/2 cup black sesame seeds
3 TBSP tigernuts or hemp seeds plus 1.5 cups water OR
1.5 cups nut milk or coconut milk
1/4 tsp vanilla

optional: 1 inch of ginger
decoration: 1 persimmon, sliced


Grind sesame in a coffee grinder or your blender.
Peel banana and ginger.
Place all ingredients in your blender and blend until smooth.
The more liquid (water / nut milk) you add, the less creamy it will be once frozen.
Pour mixture into a container and place in your freezer overnight or at least 6 hours / until frozen.


Stirring the ice cream every 30 minutes or so until fairly frozen will help to keep it creamier.
If you end up not stirring it, and your ice cream is just one frozen block of ice, this will help:
Thaw container (on your counter or in a larger container filled with hot water), then chop the ice block into chunks.
Blend those chunks up in your blender.
Press back into the ice cream container.
Your ice cream will be completely smooth and creamy!



What is your favorite ice cream flavour?

Do you have one specific one, or a combination or are you like me, with a preference for VanillaHazelnutMangoPistachioChocolateLemonPoppyseedBlackSesameRaspberry .. or whatever the ice cream menu has on offer?

Comment below 🙂


C = cup, 240 ml
1/2 C = half a cup, 120 ml or / TBSP
1/4 C = quarter of a cup, 60 ml or 4 TBSP
TBSP = table spoon, 15 ml or 3 tsp
tsp = tea spoon, 5 ml
“soft dates” = medjool are usually best. If necessary, soak briefly and drain. The soaking water is super sweet by the way!



  • I love your recipe! My favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla/strawberries/cherries/walnut…just made this recipe but I used ice-cream maker. Can’t wait to taste it. Thank you.

  • Hallo Lisa,
    Ich hab schwarze Sesamsamen aber keine Hempseeds. Könnte ja makadamia nuts oder Chia mit reinmahlen.
    Hatte vor ein paar Wochen eine Operation und bin noch am heilen, somgarnichts zu machen ist nicht immer einfach aber ich genieße es.
    Vanille, Erdbeer, Haselnuss, Banane, Zitrone, Pistazie – eigentlich so alles! Hauptsache es schmeckt.
    Alles Gute, wo bist Du denn hingeflogen? Ist Toronto immer noch Dein Hauptsitz? Tschüssie xx

  • Hallo Lisa, als Du neulich das Rezept erstmals gepostet hattest, kam ich gerade aus Berlin zurück, hatte mir schwarzen Sesamsamen mitgebracht und mich noch drüber gewundert, warum ich den überhaupt gekauft habe… 😉

    Gestern habe ich das Eis zubereitet. Oberlecker! Es hat etwas von Mohneis, aber auch nicht so wirklich. Auf jeden Fall ist jetzt nicht mehr viel davon übrig. Aber ich habe ja noch genügend schwarzen Sesamsamen für mehr Eis!!! *freu* Vielen Dank für das schöne Rezept und liebe Grüße, Heike

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