
Recipe: Ginger Cinnamon Buckwheat Granola Crunchies

Rezept: Ingwer-Zimt Knusperlis Müsli Clusters

Whatever you may wanna call it, gluten free granola, crunchy clusters, nutritious super snacks – this recipe covers it all!

Delicious with nut milk, or on the road as a light yet super satisfying trail mix, sprinkled over your smoothie bowl or crumbled onto ice cream – your imagination sets the limits (as it does with most things – so go further, do more and surprise yourself 

Buckwheat is a pseudo-grain, gluten free and absolutely suitable for celiac patients – this might be a great gift to give to someone who has been longing for some crunchiness for a while!


makes around 1.3 kg


3 cups soaked, sprouted (dehydrated) buckwheat

2 small apples

1 cup sunflower seeds (ideally soaked, sprouted, rinsed)

1 cup raisins

1/2 cup goji berries or dried cranberry

1/2 cup chopped almonds (ideally, soaked & rinsed)

1/2 cup coconut syrup, yacon syrup, apple syrup, maple syrup, honey or agave

3 inches ginger root, peeled OR 1.5 TBSP dried ginger powder – taste test it!

3 TBSP cinnamon – taste test it!

1/4 tsp sea salt


Process sunflower seeds, almonds and goji berries into little chunks.

Stir together with buckwheat and cinnamon.

Peel ginger.

Process or grate ginger and apples, mix with sweetener of you choice.

Add to buckwheat blend, stir until well combined.

Season with sea salt.

Spread onto 2 dehydrator trays covered with parchment paper or non-stick sheets.

Dehydrate at 42 degrees for 12 hours or until completely dry.

Store cool & dry in an airtight container for up to 2 months.

nutrition facts clusters breakfast cereal

You know you want it!

Tips & Variations:

1. USE JUST SOAKED BUCKWHEAT: You do not have to use dehydrated, sprouted buckwheat, but can use the sprouted buckwheat right away as you will be dehydrating the whole blend thereafter anyways.

2. FRESH GRANOLA: You can also skip dehydrating if you want to enjoy a bowl of your granola right away. Just remember that it won’t keep for too long since it will be moist. You can still store it in your fridge for 2 days though.

3. BARS: The dough needs to stick together quite a bit for bars. Add 1/2 cup of sweetener of choice (so a total of 1 cup) and spread the mix onto your dehydrator sheet 1 inch thick and dehydrate until semi-dry, cut into bars, continue to dehydrate until thoroughly dried. Wrap in parchment paper, store dry & cool in an airtight container.

4. MAKE A LOT: if properly dehydrated, this recipe stores for up to 2 months. You might as well make a lot right away – divide the mix into 2 or 3 parts and vary the spices if you like a bit of variety. You could for example add cacao nibs and coconut flakes to one part, some blueberries and vanilla to the next, and ginger & cinnamon to another.

Now I want to know from you:

Which granola flavours is your favourite? Comment below!

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