
Spicy Dip, low fat OR hot veggie chips OR Marinated Vegetables!

This recipe was planned to a dressing for spicy chips, but it tasted so good before dehydrating already that it turned into a dip – though it can also be used for chips.

Or marinated veggies – 3 options with one recipe, how awesome is that?! 


1. Spicy Dip: 

1 zucchini, chopped
1 lemon, juiced
1 TBSP olive oil
1 tsp sunflower seeds
1/2 C sundried tomatoes, soaked
1/2 C soaking water
1/2 onion
1 date
1 clove of garlic, minced
8 basil leaves
1/2 tsp chili, or to taste
1 pinch of salt

Blend all ingredients in your Vitamix, store refrigerated for up to 4 days.


2. Spicy Chips: 

Omit the zucchini in the blend, and cut it into thin slices instead.

Cut up a 2nd zucchini, slather the dip all over and dehydrate the chips for 4-5 hours.

Flip them over and dehydrate for another 4-5 hours or simply overnight / while you are at work or out and about.



3. Marinated vegetables!

Mix all ingredients except the zucchini.

Add zucchini, carrots, broccoli or cauliflower, sliced ​​or cut into small pieces.

Mix well with the sauce.

Let everything marinate for 3 hours in your dehydrator.




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