
11 Things you did not know about me

1. I have lived on 4 continents.

First I was in Europe, then Australia, then I spent close to one year in Asia, thereafter 3 years in America. In Canada, to be exact.

2. I do not have a car.

Though I got my license when I was 18 (even for motorcycles), it was just not necessary to have a car in Vienna – at least for me.

I did have to buy a car when I first lived in Australia and public transport was not operating during my office hours plus I lived 95 km from my work place.

Once I went overseas again, I also sold the car and was getting around on foot, bicycle or car shares. In 2018, I finally got a scooter. Best decision ever.

3. I can play the guitar.

Alright, “can” is relative – I learned it when I was 8, then stopped practising when I was 17 or 18 and did not really play again until now, more than 15 years later (yes just try and figure out how old I am..). If I practise, I can play from the sheet but improvising is something impossible for me. I’m happy to strum away while you do the jamming though.

I also “can” play ukulele. Love it.

4. I do not like bananas.

I really don’t. Urgh! I probably ate too many as a baby. Their smell makes me gag, and I don’t even want them. Only banana chips are kind of ok.
Bit silly with raw food as there are so many recipes with bananas, smoothies, ice cream, cakes, etc.

So I eventually went to the grocery store and bought some bananas, went home, peeled them in horror almost and froze half and dehydrated the other half. The dried ones, were quite alright, almost like chips, just in sticks shape. And the frozen ones, I just put them in smoothies (and then a lot of other stuff so I won’t taste the banana). And ice cream with banana as the base is ok, as long as the ice is really cold, because everything smells and tastes less strong when it’s cold.

5. I had a cat named Dolores.

You might have seen her in a recipe clip before, she is black and adorable. Dolores and I lived together from 1997 to 2011, but when I moved from Australia to Asia, she went back to Austria to live with my mum in Vienna where she was doing greatly until she passed at the impressive age of over 18 years in 2012 – thanks for caring for her so well mum!

6. I have one brother and 2 sisters.

All younger than me, all in Austria. And I love them all very much.

7. I do not like singing in front of others. At all.

I used to believe I sound like a child, a non-musical child. I was once in a choir, gospel!, and that worked really well, but when I sing solo I get too excited and squeak. It’s getting better though, I recorded myself with the ukulele and it sounded ok actually.

9. When I was a child, I wanted to be a trapeze artist in the circus.

Never did it but I love, love Circus, with people only, such as Cirque Du Soleil.

10. My first doll was called Vis-à-vis.

Well, not everyone speaks French at the age of 4… ahem..

11. I do not like drinking coffee.

I like it as a fragrance, in tiramisu, ice cream, cake or chocolate though. Go figure.


If you want to know EVEN MORE, here is a bit on Lisa & Raw Food.


1 comment

  • Deine Katze heißt Dolores? Absolut genialer Katzenname 😀

    Bist auch schon ganz schön rumgekommen in der Welt 🙂 mal schauen wo es mich nch hinführt. Ewig will ich nicht in Deutschland festsitzen.

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