
How to make a good green smoothie!

Often enough people ask “what on Earth is in that jar and are you sure you want to drink that?
To which I respond, it is a green smoothie and yes I am sure.

The next time around, the same people are likely to tell me they tried that Green Smoothie Thingy too and that it was horrible, tasted disgusting, certainly the last time they tried that etc.

So sad .. because it is really easy to make green smoothies taste delicious.

Every. single. time. .. and here’s how!

A basic green smoothie recipe consists of

leafs greens


Sometimes, combining these 3 works out perfectly, but often enough it doesn’t.
The smoothie is not creamy, but instead a mush with some swamp water and foam on top.
Why does this happen?
This smoothie did not have any ingredients with soluble fiber.
What does that mean?
Some fruits such as apples do not contain soluble fiber and if you only use such ingredients, the smoothie will look as described above.

Rule #1 Use creamy fruit

To avoid, or to fix this problem, simply add fruit with soluble fiber, such as:

banana, mango, papaya, blueberries, pear, peach, kiwi, nectarines, apricots, young thai coconut or avocado.


Rule #2 Use ripe, sweet ingredients

Also, use sweet ingredients!

Use ripe fruit, and add a few dates or stevia in case the smoothie is not sweet enough with the ingredients used already.


Rule # 3 Use ingredients you love

And finally, use ingredients that you like! I used to really, really, REALLY hate bananas, the smell, the flavour, the consistency – urgh!

By now, I can handle a bit of banana in smoothies or other recipes where you cannot taste the banana to strongly, but I would not eat a banana by itself.

So if you are like me, then do not use bananas to start with, or only a little.


To sum it up, all you need to remember is that there are only 3 rules to always succeed at making smoothies so good you’ll end up making double batches all the time:

1. Use ingredients with water soluble fiber
2. Use sweet ingredients
3. Use ingredients you love!


So, what is your favourite smoothie?

Share below 🙂






  • mango mag ich in gr. smoothies iwie gar nicht. nehme immer bananen und birnen. für die süße matschige datteln. die harten werden meist nicht zerhekselt bei meinem mixer. bananen ess ich weils schön simpel ist und sie kaloriendicht sind. super fürn sport. aber magse auch lieber als fruchteis mit beeren ^^

  • Bei mir ist es genau anders herum, ich liebe Bananen. Ich kann garnicht ohne Bananen leben. In beinahe jedem Smoothie muss eine Banane. Ich bin suechtig nach Bananen.Dieses wunderbare Aroma, der suessliche Duft…Die leckersten Bananen habe ich einmal in Thailand gegessen, den Geschmack dieser dort wachsenden, von der Sonne durchgereiften (und nicht wie bei uns nachgereiften) Fruechte werde ich immer in meiner Erinnerung behalten. Einfach herrlich.So unterschiedlich sind die Menschen, gell.Ach bitte, liebe Lisa, wo finde ich denn das Video Besser als Slimfast Shake?Lg die Simone

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